31 May 2013

Daulat Tuanku

Salutations and Heartiest Congratulations 
His Majesty The Yang Di-Pertuan Agong XIV

 On The Occasion Of His Majesty's Official Birthday
1 June 2013 
(22 Rejab 1434H)

With Utmost Sincerity 


28 May 2013

At Last A 'Banana' Chinese Has Spoken Out

Glad that Datuk Mary Yap, the new Deputy Education Minister has spoken out.
What's the different when one who is Chinese educated and got a credit in Bahasa Cina paper at SPM level and based mainly on that, beside others criteria, is promoted to be the headmaster of a Chinese school (kononnya bersemangat Cina dan akan menjaga 'kesucian' sekolah Cina). However this person send all his children to a Sekolah Kebangsaan.

Now, compare to a 'banana' Chinese who is not eligible to be promoted to such a school just because he or she a 'banana' Chinese, so seen to be less Chinese (kononnya Cina murtad yang akan menajiskan sekolah Cina). However the 'banana' Chinese send all his/her children to Chinese schools. So, what Chinese spirit the Chinese bigots are talking about? Within the same kind the Chinese bigots apply differentiation. Perhaps these solely Chinese speaking bigots have inferior complex, because I just do not believe they have the superiority compare to 'banana' Chinese where the 'banana' Chinese can speak well in several languages and mixed well internationally, beside surely these 'banana' Chinese can speak and understand Chinese, at least their own Chinese dialects.

Mary Yap: Tak jadi masalah tak pandai bahasa Cina 

Timbalan Menteri Pelajaran dan Pengajian Tinggi Datuk Mary Yap Kain Ching berkata tidak menjadi masalah baginya untuk menangani isu pendidikan Cina walaupun beliau tidak fasih berbahasa Cina.

Menurutnya, walaupun tidak pandai membaca dan bertutur dalam bahasa tersebut, beliau kini dibantu seorang pegawai yang akan memberitahu apa yang dilaporkan dalam akhbar bahasa Cina.

"Itu bukan isu. Saya pandai berbahasa Melayu dan Inggeris. Saya boleh baca dan bercakap dalam dua bahasa ini. "Saya juga ada pegawai untuk bantu saya yang akan beri nasihat dan bacakan surat khabar Cina dan beritahu apa yang dilaporkan. 

"Ada ramai pemimpin di dunia yang tak fasih berbahasa Inggeris tapi disebabkan ada pasukan yang kuat, mereka boleh bimbing negara dengan begitu berkesan," katanya. 

MP Tawau itu berpendapat, beliau tidak mewakili kaum Cina tetapi wakil kepada rakyat Malaysia. "Saya telah bekerja di bawah kementerian pelajaran hampir 36 tahun dan telah berjumpa dengan pelbagai kaum, guru, pengetua dan sebagainya. 

"Saya tak lihat diri sebagai mewakili orang Cina tetapi sebagai orang Malaysia. Inilah unjuran daripada 1Malaysia. Tapi bila cakap mengenai pendidikan Cina, ia merupakan sebahagian daripada tugas saya untuk menyelesaikannya," katanya lagi.

Read more here.

25 May 2013

Apa Lu Mau Lagi...?

....seorang yang mempunyai mentaliti pendatang atau disebut dalam bahasa Inggeris sebagai ‘migrant mentality’ kerana sikapnya yang tamak dan haloba yang keterlaluan. Hendak memerintah mesti berdekad-dekad lamanya. Hendak mendapat laba sampai tidak tentu sempadannya. Kalau berkuasa hendak lama-lama, wang ringgit hendak berkoyan-koyan dan kalau boleh semuanya hendak ditinggalkan kepada keturunannya semua harta dan kuasa yang setinggi gunung. Itu semua adalah sikap orang yang mempunyai mentaliti ‘migrant’ tadi. 

Budaya dan sikap itu telah tertanam begitu dalam  pemikiran dan kepercayaan pimpinan hari ini dan ia tidak dapat diatasi lagi. Ia hanya boleh diatasi dengan memulakan negara baru dengan kumpulan pimpinan yang baru keseluruhan dalam parti itu. 
Aspan Alias 
Baca lagi di sini. 

Kalaulah benar begitu, kenapa orang mempunyai migrant mentality ini mempersoalkan kumpulan migrant lain, apa lu mau lagi. Pada hal apa yang dia sendiri mahu lagi itu lebih melampau (worst) dari kumpulan migrant yang gigih berusaha dengan keringat sendiri tetapi dijadikan sebagai convinent target atau punching bag untuk menutup niat sejahat-jahatnya sendiri.

24 May 2013

As Holy As The Indefinite...?

One who is ...
so sacred, 
so holy, 
so untouchable,
so chaste, 
so pure, 
so inscrutable,
above and beyond immorality ...
... by a commentator (MI-24/5/2013)
 WHO ...?

Najib's Wesak Day Greetings

... set aside differences for the greater good of the nation ...
greetings by 
PM Najib

23 May 2013 


18 May 2013

Beza Cinta Tanah Air & Cinta Penguasa

Tiada pihak yang boleh memaksa orang lain mencintai parti politik yang berkuasa dalam watannya atas nama semangat patriotisme. Tiada siapa pula yang boleh ditakrifkan sebagai tidak patriotik hanya kerana dia tidak menyokong kerajaan tertentu yang berkuasa atas negeri atau negaranya. Kuasa politik boleh datang dan pergi. Boleh bertukar ganti.

Orang Kelantan yang tidak suka PAS bukan bererti tidak sayang Kelantan. Orang Penang yang tidak suka DAP bukan bererti tidak sayang Pulau Pinang. Orang Selangor yang tidak suka PKR bukan bererti tidak sayang Selangor. Orang Malaysia yang tidak suka BN bukan bererti tidak cintakan negara.

Mungkin yang rakyat tidak suka itu ialah penyelewengan kuasa dan penyalahgunaan harta rakyat oleh mereka yang memegang tampuk-tampuk tersebut. Namun, sayang negeri dan negara tetap kekal.

Jadi mereka jangan cuba menafikan kecintaan seseorang kepada tanahair; negeri ataupun negara mereka hanya kerana tidak mendapat sokongan politik yang idamkan.

17 May 2013

Not a Bit Changed ... Arrogance As Ever...!!

The first thing that Home Minister Zahid Hamidi did on taking office was to tell Malaysians who are not happy with Malaysia’s political system to leave Malaysia and go live in another country. 

If Zahid were a British Cabinet Minister, by now he would have been asked to resign. In the UK you are forced to resign for an even lesser offense than that. And he would have had to resign, no two ways about it.  

Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak should, at the very least, demand that Zahid publicly apologise to Malaysians. Forcing him to resign is the correct thing to do but at the very least he must be made to apologise.

Is Najib prepared to demonstrate to Malaysians that he is really serious about his transformation program by doing this? 

The ball is now in Najib’s court. I would suggest Najib walk the talk and do something about this rather than pretend that this never happened. 

And what was it that Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said? Ah, yes, Malaysia is a country with a first world infrastructure but a third world mentality. How true! 

by Raja Petra, The Malaysia Today

Read more here.

14 May 2013

Carbon Dioxide on the Rise...!! But Politicians Here Still Fighting to Maintain Their Power and Wealth

Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Breaks 3-Million-Year Record

The Keeling Curve, a daily record of atmospheric carbon dioxide, has been running continuously since March 1958, when a carbon dioxide monitor was installed at Mauna Loa in Hawaii. On the first day, the observatory measured a carbon dioxide concentration of 313 parts per million (ppm). The number means there were 313 molecules of carbon dioxide in the air per every million air molecules.

Now, the Keeling Curve has reached 400 ppm for the first time in human history, with a new measure of 400.03 ppm. The data are preliminary, pending quality control checks, according to the National Oceaninc and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

The rollover from 399 won't make an appreciable difference in climate by itself, but the continuing rise in greenhouse gas concentration is already doing so, climate scientists say.

A concentration of 400 ppm is a new high-water mark, of course, and more than anything else, has symbolic significance,

Upward creep
Each year, the Keeling Curve shows an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which peaks in May. The number then drops, reaching a minimum in October. This maximum-minimum pattern, repeated seasonally, reveals how trees withdraw carbon dioxide from the air in summer to grow and then release it through dead, decaying leaves and wood in the winter.

But humans release carbon dioxide into the air, too, by burning fossil fuels. This activity has caused the Keeling Curve to creep ever upward since 1958: The lows get a little higher each year, as do the highs. It is a reminder of just how uncontrolled this dangerous experiment we're playing with the planet really is..

What 400 ppm means
In the 1,000 years before the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century, atmospheric carbon dioxide held steady at around 270 to 280 parts per million.

Scientists believe that the most recent period with a 400 ppm level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was the Pliocene, between five million and three million years ago, according to the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, which keeps track of the Keeling Curve.

It was a different world. Global average temperatures were between 5.4 and 7.2 degrees Fahrenheit (3 to 4 degrees Celsius) higher than today, and sea level was as much as 131 feet (40 meters) higher in some places. Even the least-affected regions saw sea-level rises 16 feet (5 meters) higher than today's.

A major difference, though, is the speed at which carbon dioxide is rising today. Typically, the Keeling Curve shows increases of 2 to 2.5 ppm a year, Mann said. In the 1950s and 1960s, carbon dioxide increased by less than 1 ppm each year, according to Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

We're on course for more than 450 ppm in a matter of decades if we don't get our fossil fuel emissions under control quite soon.

Read more here.

11 May 2013

PM Najib - "I am the PM for ALL Malaysians"

Mei 10th, 2013 by Najib Razak

Kerajaan Barisan Nasional akan berusaha bersungguh-sungguh untuk menolak fahaman ekstrem dan perkauman yang tidak memanfaatkan negara kita. 

Selain itu, kami juga akan meneruskan usaha untuk meningkatkan amalan konsep kesederhanaan atau wasatiyyah di kalangan rakyat berbilang kaum di Malaysia.

Janji saya kepada anda hari ini adalah untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri bagi seluruh rakyat Malaysia – tidak kira agama, bangsa, mahupun ideologi politik anda.

Read more here.

09 May 2013

Diversity Should be Wielded as a Strength

....................... racial diversity should be wielded as a strength and not a weapon to divide and rule. 

“Gone are the days when we can become champions of a certain race. I never subscribe to it. We are Malaysians first and foremost. ... it is our Malaysian-ness that we carry proudly when we are out there,”
Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz
Read more here

Dear Mr. PM, Let the Competent and Professional Non-Politician Chinese to be in Your Cabinet

Dear Mr. PM,

Most Chinese do not mind if there is no Chinese representative in your cabinet. Most Chinese view that even with Chinese representation but they just act like lackeys, it does not mean anything to them. Most Chinese can accept Malay leadership who are competence, professional and act fairly to all citizen. The Chinese politicians in the cabinets thus far did not perform up to the satisfaction in the eyes of the Chinese community but more for their own selfish gains, consolidating for party position and reputation.

MCA, Gerakan and SUPP have been abandoned and thrown out in the recently just concluded 13th GE. The leaders of MCA have declared they would not take up any post in your new government due to their poor performance in the GE. 

If Mr. PM insists of some representation from the Chinese community as what been opined by a few of your party leaders, then how about and why not select some non-politician Chinese who are competent and professional in their field. Since these non-politicians Chinese are not bounded to party position and interest, hopefully they can give their full commitment to their cabinet duty to help you to spur the development of the people and the country as what they are doing in their corporate duty.

Cina Malaysia - Undi Yang Itu Dikata Bodoh, Undi Yang Ini Dikata Tak Mengenang Budi...Apa Lu Mau Lagi..!

Saya teringat dalam satu artikel oleh Raja Petra Kamaruddin yang ditulis di dalam blognya Malaysia Today yang mana beliau menemplak orang Cina Malaysia yang mengatakan orang Melayu tidak bersama melakukan UBAH. Menurut beliau orang Melayu sudah pun melakukan UBAH seawal PRU10 1999 apabila orang Melayu telah bangun menolak BN pada ketika itu, iaitu kesan dari pemecatan Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim dari jawatan Timbalan PM dan dikenakan hukuman penjara. Tetapi BN telah diselamatkan oleh orang Cina apabila mereka telah beramai-ramai keluar mengundi BN dalam PRU10, 1999 sehingga mendapat kemenangan 2/3 kerusi dalam Parlimen Malaysia. Kerana itu juga ramai pemimpin kanan pembangkang seperti Karpal Singh dan Lim Kit Siang telah ditewaskan oleh calon-calon muka baru BN.

Menurut Raja Petra, sekiranya orang Cina pada ketika itu bersama-sama dengan orang Melayu melakukan UBAH dan tidak mengundi BN sebaliknya mengundi parti-parti pembangkang nescaya kerajaan BN pada ketika itu sepatutnya sudah tumbang. Tetapi oleh kerana ketakutan dan kebodohan orang Cina, BN terselamat dan dapat terus memerintah dengan angkuh dan bermaharajalela. Sebaliknya orang Cina telah dimaki sebagai komunis, disuruh balik Tongsan, digertak dengan retorik sehingga dihunuskan senjata dan lain-lain apabila mereka cuba hendak menuntut sesuatu perkara dari kerajaan BN. Maka seperti kata Raja Petra, padan muka orang Cina kerana telah mengundi BN.

Kini dalam PRU13, 2013, orang Cina sekali lagi dipersalahkan apabila mereka bersama dengan rakyat Malaysia yang lain melakukan UBAH menolak BN sehingga digelarkan Tsunami Cina dan dimaki sebagai tidak mengenang budi dan berbagai makian lain yang tidak munasabah... Setiap kali dalam PRU apabila orang Cina mengundi BN, mereka dikata takut dan bodoh. Bila tidak memihak kepada BN mereka akan ditakutkan dengan tanggal Mei 13 dan ditemplak dengan persoalan... Apa Cina Mahu Lagi..!

Oh... Chinese Malaysian... till when you'll be the punching beg of these power crazy, corrupted and greedy politicians...who themselves have problems? What MCA, Gerakan and SUPP have done about this... and don't they know this is one of the main reasons these lackeys were abandoned and thrown out...!

06 May 2013

Memang Padan Muka Kalah Di Semenyih... Degil dan Angkuh...!!

Degil dan angkuh dengan kekuatan sendiri, konon....
Nah..!! Sekarang kedua-duanya kalah...memang padan muka...

Awal-awal lagi saya sudah komen dalam Free Malaysia Today dan ramai juga sependapat demikian termasuk Timbalan Presiden PKR, iaitu Semenyih perlu diletakkan seorang calon Melayu, tetapi calon penumbuk tangan itu degil dan angkuh dengan kekuatannya, tak mahu bertolak ansur dan menerima realiti suasana di Semenyih....

Kalau dijumlah undi kedua-dua orang itu, bukahkah sudah memang lebih kurang 1,000 undi...

Berjuang demi untuk rakyat konon.... sakit hati dan fed up dengan orang macam ini...

Sekarang apa dapat...abuk pun tarak.... kalau dulu dia mengalah atau bertolak ansur... mungkin dia boleh dilantik sebagai Ahli Majlis atau mana-mana tugas dalam kerajaan Selangor yang lebih kuat sekarang..

03 May 2013

Kasihan Orang Bangladesh Ni Kerana Nak Cari Sedikit Duit Untuk Hidup ...!

Crowd buying now shopping for Bangladeshis

There is another issue that has been gaining attention across the blogs. Concern has grown that ?? has been paying a different section of Malaysia’s community of foreign workers to perform another aspect of its election strategy.This is crowd buying.

And in this election it seems that as it has become harder to buy up their own supporters for the party, they have started to pay poor immigrant cheer leaders to wear their T-shirts and wave their flags.
Meanwhile, the real ?? troopers are concentrating on getting their money out of town.
The level of graft of by the ruling elite, which is currently pouring its money out of KL and into foreign safe havens has been causing even the banking community to feel sickened at the sight.

And if that means shipping in tens of thousands of foreign illegal voters and putting tens of thousands more into ?? T-shirts all to con an election from his own people, then it seems he is prepared to try and carry it off.

Read more here.

01 May 2013

Hal Cam Ni Pun Boleh Berlaku...

May 1, 2013
Azlan Mohd Lazim now claims his son was sodomised

PETALING JAYA: In a 360 degree turn, sodomy victim Saiful Bukhari Azlan’s father admitted that his son was in fact sodomised by Opposition Leader and PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim.

Contrary to his earlier claim, he now said that the sodomy charge was not a political conspiracy as alleged by Anwar.
In March, Azlan, 60, dismissed Saiful’s sodomy allegation as a fabrication and joined PKR. At the press conference, he also announced his resignation from PKR.

Meanwhile, PKR’s Sungai Petani parliamentary seat aspirant, Johari Abdul claimed that Azlan had called him numerous times in the past two weeks, saying that he was under intense pressure. “I reminded Azlan that it was he who contacted me to rebut Saiful’s claims. I also told him that if you can’t handle the heat, then good luck to you,” he said. 

Read more here.

P/S:  Another real life example of Malaysia Boleh... anything can happen... even those beyond our logic and moral reasoning...!

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