做人, 不一定要風風光光, 但一定要堂堂正正。
處事, 不一定要盡善盡美, 但一定要問心無愧。以真誠的心, 對待身邊的每一個人。以感恩的心, 感謝擁有的一切。
未來, 不是窮人的天下, 也不是富人的天下, 而是一群志同道合, 敢為人先, 正直, 正念, 正能量人的天下。真正的危機, 不是金融危機, 而是道德與誠信的危機。
與智者為伍, 與善者同行!
Here's the Translation:
To be a man, you don't have to be graceful, but you must be upright.
You don't have to be perfect in doing things, but you must have a clear conscience. Treat everyone around you with a sincere heart. With a grateful heart, thank you for everything you have.
The future is not the world of the poor, nor the world of the rich, but a world of like-minded, daring, upright, righteous, and positive energy people. The real crisis is not a financial crisis, but a crisis of morality and integrity.
Be with the wise, walk with the benevolent!
Xi Jinping
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