13 March 2023




Interview with President Putin of Russia.

1. An American reporter asked Putin: "Why do you trust China so much? What benefits has China given you?" 

Putin smiled slightly and said: "The power of China is obvious to all! China is my most sincere brother and does not need any benefits. Have you ever seen China bullying any country? The stronger China is, the more peaceful the world will be!"

2. Not long ago, Margaret, editor-in-chief of Russian TV, talked about the use of nuclear weapons in a program. She said: "If Russia loses this conflict between Russia and Ukraine, then World War III may break out! If you know us Russians, know President Putin, then you know that WW3 is totally possible!"

3. Some Russian military experts pointed out: Isn’t NATO always trying to kill us?  Then let them see that if we destroy Europe, we can use the Salmat intercontinental missile to kill Berlin in 106 seconds, Paris in 200 seconds, and London in 202 seconds!

Once the war starts, we only need to launch 300 nuclear bombs, and we only need to destroy 180 NATO countries at most. It is estimated that there will be 95 million casualties within 10 hours, including 34 million direct casualties. I wonder if Europe can afford this price?  If it really develops to the point where the fish are dead and the net is broken, we will not let the United States be alone, and we will give them special "preferential treatment". I hope the Americans will think about this!

4. In this Russia-Ukraine conflict, it is rare that there is a sensible person in the British Parliament. He said: "If there are no China and Russia in the world, all other countries will become prisoners of the United States!  

Everyone should thank China and Russia.  It is they who maintain the peace of the world, and they also maintain the balance of the world.  Only when China and Russia are safe, the world will be safe.”

5. In the US and Western sanctions against Russia this time, Little Japan followed closely.  Even Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has repeatedly threatened to take back the four northern islands by force.  Putin responded firmly: "If you dare to take over the island, your whole of Japan will sink to the bottom of the sea. If you don't believe me, try it!"

6. Putin pointed out sharply on many occasions: "I must tell every kind-hearted people that as long as there is the hegemony of the United States in the world, any weakness and tolerance will not bring peace!"

The original post in Chinese:


1. 有美國記者問普京:“你為什麼這麼信任中國?中國給了你什麼好處?”  普京微微一笑說:“中國的強大世人有目共睹! 中國是我最真誠的好兄弟,不需要任何好處。 你見過中國欺負哪個國家嗎?中國越強大,世界越和平!”

2. 前不久,俄羅斯電視台總編瑪格利特在一檔節目中談到使用核武器問題,她說:“如果俄羅斯在這次俄烏衝突中輸了,那麼,第三次世界大戰就有可能爆發!如果你們了解我們俄羅斯人,瞭解普京總統,那麼你就會知道第三次世界大戰是完全有可能發生的!”

3. 有俄羅斯軍事專家指出:北約不是總想幹掉我們嗎?那麼就讓他們看明白,如果摧毀歐洲,我們使用薩爾馬特洲際導彈106秒就能幹掉柏林,200秒就能滅掉巴黎,202秒就能到倫敦上空!


4. 在這次俄烏衝突中,罕見英國議會還真有一位明白人,他說:“如果世界上沒有中俄兩國,其他所有國家都將成為美國的階下囚!大家都應該感謝中國和俄羅斯,是他們維護了世界的和平,也是他們保持著世界的平衡!只有中俄兩國平安,世界才會平安!”

5. 在這次美國和西方對俄制裁中,小日本也緊隨其後。甚至首相岸田文雄還多次揚言要武力收回北方四島。普京霸氣回應: “如果你敢來收島,你整個日本必將沉入海底,不信就試試!”

6. 普京在很多場合都曾一針見血地指出:“我必須告訴每一位善良的人們,世界上只要有美國的霸權存在,任何的軟弱和忍讓都是換不來和平的!”





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