30 January 2023
28 January 2023
Karut Marut, Rahsia Besar, Fake Superiority, Great Disappointment
Dipetik dari blog OutSyed The Box
Friday, January 27, 2023
Sekolah Kebangsaan Sekarang Tahap Tong Sampah. Cadangan Saya.
Bukan saja prestasi pengetua, guru besar, guru dan murid sangat kurang memuaskan tetapi sekolah sekarang sudah menjadi tempat di mana generasi kita di pengaruhi budaya dan kepercayaan salah, berdosa, tidak masuk akal dan mengeluarkan generasi anak muda yang tidak boleh mencampuri alam nyata atau real world. Mereka menjadi tidak relevan.
Dalam gambar berikut (dipetik daripada media tempatan) seorang guru sedang memberi minum air zam-zam (wallahu 'alam) dan kismis ajaib sebelum murid memasuki dewan peperiksaan UPSR.
Habis calon bangsa India dan Cina dapat minuman air telaga Hang Li Po ke? Atau teh tarik dan tau foo fah.
Ini adalah kepercayaan khurafat dan karut marut yang confuse-kan kepercayaan khurafat dan tahayul budaya Melayu lama dengan agama. Maka generasi muda Melayu membesar dengan keyakinan bahawa jampi mantera itu adalah sebahagian daripada agama mereka. Dan akhir sekali mereka bertembung dengan big disappointment.
Apa dia big disappointment itu ? Sila teruskan membaca.
Cuba faham baik-baik ok. Kenapa orang Melayu begitu mudah tewas kepada orang lain? Kenapa pahlawan Melayu (di Dindings di Perak pada abad ke 18 contohnya) boleh tewas kepada sekumpulan kecil askar Belanda di bawah pimpinan satu atau dua "officer" kulit putih?
Antara sebabnya pahlawan Melayu takut berperang pada waktu malam gelap. Mereka juga tidak berani melakukan serangan sewaktu hujan, guruh atau kilat. Kulit putih berkata "I did not much fear being attacked by any Malayan".
Mereka tidak takut pun kepada pahlawan Melayu sebab orang Melayu takut berperang bila hujan turun. Dan juga pada waktu gelap malam, guruh dan kilat. Maksudnya kulit putih sudah faham bahawa Melayu itu sangat percaya kepada superstitions atau kepercayaan khurafat.
Maka lagi senang bagi kulit putih manipulate keadaan dan mengambil kesempatan daripada kelemahan orang Melayu seperti itu.
Begitu juga sekarang. Kalau ada musuh yang ingin jatuhkan orang Melayu senang saja untuk menjatuhkan mereka. Suruh orang Melayu cari air jampi, kismis ajaib, baca ini dan itu untuk lulus peperiksaan.
Bagi bangsa lain pula mereka ikut the old fashioned way - membaca buku dan siapkan homework dengan rajin, mereka hantar anak belajar tuisyen, membuat ulangkaji sebelum peperiksaan dsbnya. Jadi mereka lebih berjaya dan lebih maju. SRJK Tamil dan Cina menjadi jaguh sains dan matematik.
So how are you going to succeed?
Dulu sekolah kebangsaan menyertai survey tahunan penilain Sains dan Matematik PISA. Tetapi bila prestasi sekolah kebangsaan menjunam masuk tong sampah maka 'para pendidik' kita ikut cara mudah. Dia pull-out daripada sistem penilaian PISA. Cabut lari. Bacul. Pergi menyorok belakang emak dan ibu. Problem solved.
Lepas itu sekolah kebangsaan menjadi ghetto ultra agama dan ultra perkauman di mana penuntut diberi false sense of achievement dan false sense of superiority. Mereka ditipu dan dibohongi bahawa mereka-lah top scorer. Top scorer kepala hotak apa? Apakah passing grade atau markah minima untuk lulus matapelajaran SPM?
Semuanya dirahsiakan di bawah OSA. Dulu kita di bawah pentadbiran kerajaan tahi ayam. Dia rahsiakan semua. Nak tahu apa minimum grade atau markah minima untuk lulus Matematik Tambahan, Bahasa Inggeris, Kimia, Fizik, Biologi semuanya di rahsiakan.
Sekarang ini kita di bawah pentadbiran kerajaan reformasi tahi kucing pula. Dia masih rahsiakan maklumat yang simple dan sangat penting ini.
Apa markah minima lulus Matematik Tambahan di peperiksaan SPM? Betulke 8 markah sahaja? Betulke 12 markah sahaja boleh lulus? Kita tidak tahu. Sebab semuanya dirahsiakan. Markah lulus peperiksaan pun menjadi rahsia besar. Rahsia Besar : Cicero.
Dulu mereka kutuk kerajaan tahi ayam Umno/BN sebagai Mahafiraun dan Mahazalim. Sekarang dia pun buat perkara yang sama. Tetapi dia pula bukan Mahazalim dan Mahafiraun.
Cadangan Saya - Simple saja. Biar calon SPM periksa kertas jawapan mereka sendiri dan memberi markah untuk diri mereka sendiri. Lagi mudah semua pelajar dapat A untuk semua subjek.
Secara overnite kita boleh menjadi negara yang paling successful dengan sistem pendidikan (atau pelajaran) yang paling termaju di dunia. Anak-anak kita semua boleh dapat semua 'A'.
Sekolah kita boleh jadi lebih pandai dan cemerlang daripada sekolah Singapura, Finland, Cina dan Taiwan. Guru Besar dan pengetua sekolah boleh pakai kasut hitam dan menari berjoget di tengah padang sekolah. Cuba fikirkan.
p.s. Saya hampir lupa ceritakan 'great disappointment'. Apa itu great disappointment? Great disappontment itu adalah realiti kehidupan dan realiti dunia yang anak-anak kita pasti bertembung dengan-nya. Anak-anak kita yang dididik dengan false sense of superiority dan false sense of security mendapati bahawa walaupun mereka lulus semua matapelajaran atau mereka dapat A atau mereka jaguh matapelajaran itu dan ini tetapi mereka berjumpa Bangla yang lebih pandai mengira, yang lebih cepat buat kerja, mereka berjumpa anak Cina dan India yang lebih fasih memahami itu dan ini, lebih fasih cakap 'BI' yang sangat penting dalam kerjaya dan bisnes. Jadi mereka mula tewas. Atau jatuh ke belakang. Itulah great disappointment-nya.
Maka mereka akan mencari gua untuk menghilangkan diri daripada realiti bahawa mereka tewas dalam perlumbaan hidup.
26 January 2023
21 January 2023
19 January 2023
Dipetik dari tukartiub.blogspot.com
14 January 2023
Friday, January 13, 2023
The New Economic Policy after 50 Years By KS Jomo
I was sent the following from Jomo's mailing list (thank you). As usual my comments are in blue.
My Comments :
Unlike Jomo I am not a full blown economist ('full blown' implies 'fully developed'. Literally it means 'fully inflated') For my "liberal arts" degree in the US (management and engineering) I read some economics as well (including political economics). Enough to give me a grasp of what is going on. I have also read some since then.
Hence I approach all my thoughts on the NEP based entirely on economic principles. ABSOLUTELY NO RACIAL IDEAS AT ALL. WHY? Because you cannot look for the recipe for Japanese sushi in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. It is just not there. The two (economics and income disparity / wealth disparity) are completely unrelated.
Yes income disparity and wealth disparity create economic issues aka "economic problems" in a society but the reasons and the causes for that disparity have nothing to do with economic principles. There are other non economic issues that cause those disparities.Please bear this in mind as I will dwell a bit more into this.
There is such a thing as affirmative action but the NEP has become nothing more than a political gimmick. And as I keep repeating many times you cannot find the "principles" of the NEP in any economics textbook. The fact that they decided to call it the new "economic" policy is proof enough they were mocking 'economic theory'. it was just a political gimmick. It should be called exactly what it is - a racial policy.
I have said many times before the income and wealth disparity is not an "economic problem". The disparities between the races are due almost entirely to cultural, traditional and religious factors. Social factors.
You can still see it now, despite the passage of 52 years of the NEP. After 52 years we see university graduates prefer to be motorbike riding delivery boys. They dont like the discipline of a 9-5 job. They want to work when they feel like it.
And these are still considered the "aggrieved groups" - their grievance is they do not want to follow the norms that makes the rest of the world function. Yet they expect to enjoy similar or BETTER outcomes!! You want to work 'ikut suka hati' and then you expect to be richer than your neighbour who slogs from morning until evening?
What is 'positive discrimination'? Positive discrimination in favour of bumiputras means negative discrimination against non Malays. Its as simple as that.
Positive discrimination simply means that the Indian student with all As is not going to get his medical seat at the government university. Or that Indian doctor in the government service is going to be denied leave to go for government funded further studies.
My suggestion is (which I like to repeat for the umpteenth time and will keep repeating it - because that is what makes ideas stick : frequency and repetition) to marry affirmative action with meritocracy and the market economy. There must be risk and reward. There must be carrots and sticks.
Do not obstruct the Malays / bumiputras from taking risk. They have to face the risks of the marketplace. Without taking risks the economic disparities will only last forever.
In no time the Rohingyas can displace the Chinese fish sellers at the pasar borong. In no time the Bangladeshis can displace Chinese traders in Petaling Street. In no time the Pakistanis can dominate the computer shops at Low Yat. So what is wrong with the Malays?
And whatever you do - do not obstruct the non Malays, non bumis from doing whatever they want to do. Let that Indian student who is qualified enter the medical faculty. Let that Indian doctor pursue her post graduate studies.
WHY? As I said my reasoning is purely economic. Which many people do not seem to understand.
There is a GREAT BIG HOLE in the New Economic Policy. What is the GREAT BIG HOLE in the New Economic Policy? Answer : It is funded by taxpayers money.
To make the NEP happen the government must continue to collect taxes from the public.
Even the government's oil monopoly will not be able to provide enough money to fund the NEP policies anymore. When the NEP began in 1971 the population was around TEN MILLION people. Now 52 years later the population is 34 million people. The queue for free money, free handouts and free everything is MORE THAN THREE TIMES longer.
The population of Malaysia in 2023 is 34,308,525, a 1.09% increase from 2022.
The population of Malaysia in 2022 was 33,938,221, a 1.09% increase from 2021.
The population of Malaysia in 2021 was 33,573,874, a 1.13% increase from 2020.
The population of Malaysia in 2020 was 33,199,993, a 1.21% increase from 2019.
Plus there are other great shocks coming in the oil industry. Recall in 2014 oil prices crashed - even down to US$0.00 per barrel. It will happen again. Israel is a gas exporter now. Egypt has discovered a huge gas field. So has Turkey. Morocco has discovered a ONE BILLION BARREL offshore oilfield. There is oil and gas popping up everywhere.
So the government needs to collect taxes to keep funding the NEP policies. Those taxes will come from the private sector.
In his last Budget, Tengku Zafrul's slides showed that for 2023 both Bank Negara and Khazanah will be making ZERO contributions to the government (dividends?).
And very often the other GLCs need to be bailed out. They burn taxpayers funds. They do not contribute as much to the governments coffers.
Tabung Haji was bailed out. Felda was bailed out. That oil and gas giant was bailed out.
Plantations? Plantation agriculture makes up LESS THAN 2% OF THE GDP OF MALAYSIA.
All the Felda plantations, all the Sime Darby oil palms contribute less than 2% to the country's GDP.
1.6 million Malays are employed in the Civil Service. Another 1.3 million are in the GLCs. The bulk of our 14 - 15 million workforce is employed in the private sector. This is mostly the non bumiputra private sector.
What does this mean? This means the government will depend more on the "real" private sector to continue paying taxes - which can be used by the government to fund all the NEP type policies. Free money, free this, free that.
So if the NEP policies, positive discrimination policies etc obstruct the non Malays / non bumis from pursuing their economic opportunities to the maximum, it actually means the government will be collecting less and less taxes (vis a vis 10 million, 20 million, 34 million, 50 million population).
Do not kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
11 January 2023
Rather To Listen And Believe Solely To Yankee Dodo And Western Media Negative Propaganda