24 November 2012

"Dallas' J.R. (my most hated villian but loved) Is Dead

Larry Hagman (J.R. Ewing) is dead 

Larry Hagman, who created one of American television's most supreme villains in the conniving, amoral oilman J.R. Ewing of "Dallas," died on Friday, the Dallas Morning News reported. He was 81.

Hagman died at a Dallas hospital of complications from his battle with throat cancer, the newspaper said, quoting a statement from his family. He had suffered from liver cancer and cirrhosis of the liver in the 1990s after decades of drinking.

Hagman's mother was stage and movie star Mary Martin and he became a star himself in 1965 on "I Dream of Jeannie," a popular television sitcom in which he played Major Anthony Nelson, an astronaut who discovers a beautiful genie in a bottle.

"Dallas," which made its premiere on the CBS network in 1978, made Hagman a superstar. The show quickly became one of the network's top-rated programs, built an international following and inspired a spin-off, imitators and a revival in 2012.

R.I.P Mr. Hagman.

Read more here.

21 November 2012

Racism Is A Devil - Fifa Boss

GENEVA, Nov 21 ― FIFA president Sepp Blatter has described racism in football as “a devil.”

In an interview with the London Evening Standard yesterday, he again underlined his stance on racism, saying a simple handshake was not enough.

“What you can do by a handshake is try to make peace. You cannot eradicate racism by a handshake. To eradicate this devil is an educational problem. The problem is, if the school is not educating, if the family is no longer educating, sport must educate. But sport cannot do everything.”

Chelsea captain John Terry was given a four-match ban by the FA for racially insulting Queen Park Rangers defender Anton Ferdinand although he was cleared of racism in the courts in July after the saga had dragged on for a year. Blatter said the whole process had taken too long.

“The Terry affair should have been handled much quicker. Such matters should be dealt with as soon as possible, especially when players are concerned. Our sports authorities should deal with these matters directly. If afterwards the political authorities also intervene because they think it a very important case, that is up to them.”

“But to wait until the political authorities intervene and then take a decision on the sporting side, this is not the right procedure.”

Read more here.

P/S:  So when someone higher up mentioned "better to have a devil we know..." does it refers to a racist power that be?

20 November 2012

Sapu Tanah Rakyat ...??

"....  fought for independence... So what's wrong with .... taking those land" 

Tony Pua's Twitter

SHAH ALAM 20 NOV : Kes pemilikan tanah di Selangor oleh .... akan dilaporkan kepada Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) dan Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) kerana didakwa terdapat penyalahgunaan kuasa.

Ia melibatkan .... di mana .... tersebut hanya dikenakan bayaran premium RM 1 satu meter persegi.

Katanya, semua kawasan tersebut melibatkan nilai lebih RM 20 juta dengan saiz setiap lot antara satu hingga tujuh ekar yang mana .... menerima 14 kawasan, ... (lima), ... (tiga) dan ....... (satu).

“Semua 23 kawasan tanah ini adalah tanah dengan nilai tinggi iaitu tanah komersial.

“Semua kegunaan untuk perniagaan seperti rumah kedai dan bangunan perniagaan. Bila mereka dapat tanah ini mereka akan buat usahasama dengan mereka dapat dana keuntungan,” dakwanya lagi.

“Inilah antara contoh dan wajah sebenar ...... tetapi hakikatnya mereka ialah pihak yang Sapu Tanah Rakyat.

“Rakyat didahulukan tetapi dalam kontek ini merekalah yang didahulukan.”
Read more here.

16 November 2012

Paradoks Perkauman Di Restoran Mamak

oleh Zulhabri Supian
... restoran mamak menyerlahkan sisi negatif masyarakat kita yang terpecah belah mengikut bangsa dan juga bahasa percakapan. Meskipun kemajmukan Malaysia dapat dilihat di mamak, namun sangat menyedihkan tiada interaksi bermakna di kalangan bangsa yang berbeza. Jika di satu meja terdiri dari pelbagai bangsa, seringkali pandangan-pandangan yang terlihat hairan akan kelihatan.

Paradoks “kemajmukan” di mamak yang sangat menghiris adalah kebiasaan untuk mengutuk bangsa lain walaupun jarak meja di antara satu sama lain tidak terlalu jauh. Perkauman di meja makan yang sering dipraktikkan di rumah keluarga dipindahkan ke meja makan mamak. Restoran mamak berubah menjadi wahana penyebaran kebencian dan prejudis ala Malaysia iaitu secara aman tanpa pergaduhan dan pertumpahan darah...

Baca sepenuhnya di sini.

P/S: Satu pandangan dari pemerhatian penulis yang tidak dapat dinafikan. Adakah situasi ini akan berterusan tanpa sebarang tindakan pembetulan dari semua pihak khasnya pemerintah sehingga negara hancur kerana 'ketamakan dalam pemburuan kuasa' dan 'kelazatan dunia' oleh semua pihak yang berwajib ...

15 November 2012

Salam Maal Hijrah 1434H

                   Wish All Readers

                      Sincerely from

14 November 2012

A Chinese Education Minister...???

Am I dreaming....?

Kucing dah bertanduk ke....?

But... perhaps possible... just for a short period ... prior to GE13 only...!!

Anyway, what's different if the role is just like the leaders of the Money Collecting Agency to decieve the community.

Read more here.

12 November 2012

Selamat Deepavali

Deepavali adalah satu perayaan yang mengingatkan kita pihak baik akan mengalahkan pihak jahat. Oleh itu, saya percaya kita yang membawa perubahan dan kebahagian kepada rakyat akan mengalahkan pihak jahat dalam pilihanraya akan datang. 

Tan Sri Abdul Khlaid Ibrahim,
Menteri Besar Selangor

10 November 2012

Don't Bully Others With Your Advantages..!

A very good real example - Never try to bully others with your advantages, soon the bullied would stand up to 'turn the table' to eliminate your threat and become better than you..!

Jangan riak dan mengugut dengan kelebihan dan kekuatan kamu, nescaya yang diugut akan bangun untuk menangkis ugutan kamu malah menjadi lebih kuat dari kamu..!

Read more here.

Can't Understand This, Do You?

One commentator from a popular local blog has written this:  Money Collecting Agency  belongs to D_ _s as most of them are liars and cheaters and porn star leaders? They are more interested in WWW 15, AES, money-making in PKFZ, Australian PR, Porn Actor, Swindles, enriching themselves and family, etc etc...

Read more here.

What is this???

P/S: Don't they like to 'buy' the TanSeli, LatukSeli, LatukBaluka, Latuk...blah blah blah... too? And then they or cronies pay or collect a huge sum  of money to advertise their newly acquired titles in the papers for few weeks...! Later they take their titles as symbols and to be treated as 'feudal lords' in their community...!

08 November 2012


A new coalition government was sworn in the Netherlands on 5 November 2012 after the Dutch  opted for changes to give the new coalition to win the election on 12 September 2012.  Read more here

And the Americans have retained President Obama for another term of four years yesterday 6 November 2012 to carry out the changes he promised four years ago prior to his first election win.

What about us? Are we going to make the changes too at Putrajaya and to retain the new state governments elected for the first time in 2008 to continue with their proven good work?

06 November 2012

Debt Soars...

Government debt soars and to touch RM502 billion 
or 53.7% of the GDP at the end of the year.

This is not a main-main situation...!

Read more here.

05 November 2012

He Who Knows All

God knows all, 
Therefore He will take action, 
Not you, me nor anyone else,
What so the power crazy ruler.

Why Listen To Elders

04 November 2012

What's Ego...!

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