25 March 2011

Anda Punyai Enam Orang Lain Yang Seiras Dengan Anda!

Tahukah anda, anda mempunyai enam orang lain yang mempunyai wajah yang seiras dengan anda dalam dunia ini. Sekiranya anda adalah seorang ikon atau selebriti atau kaya raya atau apa-apalah yang boleh menyebabkan orang lain nak sangat menganiaya anda, maka berhati-hatilah kerana berkemungkinan besar ada orang akan mencari seorang daripada enam orang yang seiras itu untuk melakonkan adegan-adegan mengiurkan dan 'meletup' kemudian dihantarkan video adegan-adegan itu kepada anda dengan pos laju bersama dengan sekeping surat meminta anda meletakkan sekian banyak wang di suatu lokasi yang ditandakan.... atau meminta anda 'pencen' dari kerjaya anda...

Dalam dunia ini, apabila seseorang dah menjadi tamak dan taksub kepada sesuatu, semua perkara baik dan buruk yang tidak disangkakan boleh berlaku. Soal halal atau haram belakang kira, yang penting keghairahan yang sedang membuak, hasrat dan hajat yang sekian lama telah terpendam dan keinginan yang tidak dapat lagi dikawal dan yang sedang merah menyala tercapai!

Baca lagi artikel oleh Nazli Ibrahim di sini.

We Should Salute the Japanese!

The 110311 earthquake and tsunami in the north-eastern of Japan has devastated Japan as a whole in many ways, but we should salute the Japanese for the determination and their absolute desire to go on in a civilized manner that I believe many cannot cope with it.

10 Things to Learn From Japan


Not a single visual of chest-beating or wild grief. Sorrow itself has been elevated.


Disciplined queues for water and groceries. Not a rough word or a crude gesture.


The incredible architects, for instance. Buildings swayed but didn’t fall.


People bought only what they needed for the present, so everybody could get something.


No looting in shops. No honking and no overtaking on the roads. Just understanding.


Fifty workers stayed back to pump sea water in the N-reactors. How will they ever be repaid?


Restaurants cut prices. An unguarded ATM is left alone. The strong cared for the weak.


The old and the children, everyone knew exactly what to do. And they did just that.


They showed magnificent restraint in the bulletins. No sensationalizing. Only calm reportage.


When the power went off in a store, people put things back on the shelves and left quietly

This makes the nation and the people great.

Source: An email from M/s Kok Ah Moi.

P/S: If ever such a catastrophe to happen over here, could we ever cope with it as great and civilized as the Japanese? I am wondering.

22 March 2011


Even God has just shown only His very little power in Japan, but over here a few goons, too obsess with power, greed and wealth, voluptuously, unrepentantly and with great pleasure inventing, creating and doctoring despicable, disgraceful, degrading and heinous sexual storyboard, just to fulfill the unstoppable desire and lust for a finite of mortal and earthly power!

Wondering the Pharaoh, Shih Huang Ti, Napoleon or Hitler had acted worst than this!
May the Almighty has mercy on these few remorselessly goons!

20 March 2011


Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM) ingin merujuk kepada Laporan Akhbar Sin Chew Daily (ME9) bertarikh 1 Mac 2011 – Pandang serius guru tidak menguasai Bahasa Cina dihantar ke SJKC Hau Lim, Muar. Setelah siasatan dibuat oleh Pejabat Pelajaran Daerah Muar, didapati penempatan guru opsyen Bahasa Malaysia ke SJKC Hau Lim, Muar dibuat kerana keperluan guru opsyen Bahasa Malaysia. Walau bagaimanapun, guru tersebut telah pun ditukarkan ke SK Sungai Balang, Muar pada 1 Mac 2011 bagi mengatasi masalah tersebut. Perkara ini akan diberi perhatian yang sewajarnya apabila sesuatu penempatan guru dibuat di SJKC pada masa akan datang.

Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM) ingin merujuk kepada Berita dalam Akhbar China Press bertarikh 7 Januari 2011 – Guru-guru yang tidak fasih Bahasa Cina di 7 buah SJKC di Damansara belum dipindahkan
Untuk makluman, sekolah telah mengambil tindakan segera untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut dan telah membuat perubahan di mana guru Melayu yang mengajar matapelajaran Bahasa Malaysia telah mengajar kelas tahun 3 hingga tahun 6 mengikut pekeliling sedia ada. Manakala guru yang mengajar Bahasa Malaysia bagi tahun 1 dan 2 diajar oleh guru Cina yang boleh menggunakan dwibahasa semasa mengajar. Perkara ini berlaku kerana kekurangan guru opsyen Bahasa Malaysia di sekolah ini.

Setelah membaca jawapan pihak KPM di atas kepada dua aduan pihak-pihak tertentu kepada pihak media, terfikir di kepala otak saya adakah pihak yang membuat aduan itu telah bertindak keterlaluan! Soal guru tidak fasih bahasa Mandarin (ada banyak bahasa Cina, sesama mereka pun mengagungkan dialek masing-masing) yang mengajar mata pelajaran bahasa Malaysia (tulis bahasa Melayu nanti dia orang ini komplen) bukan punca seseorang murid itu dapat menguasai pembelajaran bahasa Malaysia tetapi lebih kepada sikap guru yang mengajar itu sendiri. Jika seorang guru yang fasih bahasa Mandarin dan bahasa Malaysia dan diarahkan mengajar bahasa Malaysia tetapi tidak mengajar bahasa Malaysia itu dengan betul atau mempunyai ciri-ciri guru yang menjadi tarikan murid-murid, murid-muridnya juga tidak akan dapat menguasai pengajarannya.

Kepala otak saya teringat kepada pengalaman anak perempuan saya semasa di sebuah SJK(C), bukan sahaja dia tidak dapat menguasai bahasa Mandarin malah bahasa Malaysia. Bukan itu sahaja, dia menjadi sangat benci kepada kedua-dua bahasa itu. Nak dikatakan dia memang lemah dalam bidang bahasa tidak pula sebab dia cukup fasih berbahasa Inggeris! Pastinya ini berpunca dari cara pengajaran guru BM dan Mandarinnya yang kononnya fasih kedua-dua BM dan Mandarin. Saya terpaksa memindahkannya ke sebuah SK ketika dia berada penghujung Tahun 5 dan dalam tempoh satu tahun di Tahun 6 di SK itu penguasaan BM bertambah baik berkali ganda walaupun pada akhirnya dia masih gagal satu kertas BM dalam UPSRnya. Yang penting dia berasa lebih gembira berada di SK dalam tempoh satu tahun itu. Sekiranya dia terus belajar di SJK(C) lamanya, saya jangka dia akan gagal 4 kertas (2 kertas BM, 2 kertas Mandarin) dan tidak mungkin akan dapat 3 biji A bagi mata pelajaran yang lain! Sekarang dia belajar di SMK dan penguasaan BMnya makin baik dan bahasa Mandarin dia hanya belajar sebagai POL sahaja dan tidak akan ambil Mandarin dalam PMRnya. Jangan marah pada dia kerana itu sebab saya tahu ramai murid di SMJK pun tidak mahu ambil Mandarin dalam PMR atau SPM, tetapi terpaksa ambil kerana dipaksa oleh SMJK masing-masing.

Soal seorang murid Cina dapat menguasai pembelajaran BM bukan kerana gurunya tidak fasih berbahasa Mandarin. Lihat pada betapa ramainya orang 'pisang' (orang 'pisang' ialah gelaran bagi orang Cina yang diprejudiskan sebagai orang Cina yang tidak tahu berbahasa Mandarin atau bukan dari sekolah Cina, oleh kaumnya sendiri yang kononnya sebagai penjuang danpenjaga bahasa Mandarin) yang fasih berbahasa Inggeris dan Malaysia. Kenapa mereka ini boleh begitu fasih berbahasa Inggeris dan Malaysia, pada hal semasa mereka belajar di sekolah rendah tidak perlu pun ada guru yang fasih bahasa Cina (apa-apa dialek Cina pun) yang mengajar mereka dalam bahasa Inggeris atau Malaysia. Kenapa mereka ini boleh begitu fasih berbahasa Inggeris dan Malaysia. Pastinya kerana pengajaran guru-guru mereka dalam bahasa Inggeris atau Malaysia yang dapat menarik minat mereka gembira untuk belajar walaupun tidak faham pada mulanya.

Sekarang mereka ini telah fasih berbahasa Inggeris dan Malaysia dan ramai dari mereka ini telah berjaya dalam bidang profesional masing-masing dan banyak daripada bidang-bidang ini adalah yang bukannya menjadi tradisi Cina mengikut pandangan pejuang-pejuang bahasa Mandarin ini tetapi adalah bidang-bidang yang baru yang menjadikan mereka ini sebagai masyarakat antarabangsa. Tetapi malangnya mereka digelar pula sebagai orang 'pisang', kononnya tidak tahu berbahasa Mandarin. Bukankah ini satu bentuk irihati pejuang-pejuang bahasa Mandarin ini terhadap kaumnya sendiri yang fasih berbahasa Inggeris dan Malaysia dan berjaya dalam bidang-bidang profesional mereka yang bertaraf antarabangsa, sedangkan pejuang-pejuang ini sendiri tidak fasih berbahasa Inggeris atau Malaysia dan terperangkap dalam bidang tradisi mereka itu. Jadi untuk menutup kelemahan dan 'envy' mereka yang tidak fasih berbahasa antarabangsa dan tidak dapat turut serta sebagai masyarakat antarabangsa, mereka pun menggelarkan kaum mereka sendiri yang berjaya itu sebagai orang 'pisang'. Tidakkah keterlalauan mereka ini?

Satu statik rambang, mungkin dari segi statistik inferensi tidak memberi signifiken.
1. Untuk menjadi seorang pengetua di SMJK, calon itu mesti mempunyai kredit bahasa Mandarin dalam SPM. Ini kononnya untuk memastikan SMJK dikepalai oleh seorang yang berpendidikan dan bersemangat Cina dan tidak akan tunduk kepada tuntutan-tuntutan yang akan merugikan pendidikan Cina. Adakah ini benar? Apakah ukuran yang memutuskan mereka yang mempunyai kredit bahasa Mandarin dan berpendidikan Cina sahaja akan memperjuangkan pendidikan Cina? Siapakah yang lebih bersemangat memajukan pendidikan Cina, adakah pengetua SMJK ini yang menghantar semua anak ke SK atau seorang Cina lain yang tidak mempunyai kredit Mandarin tetapi menghantar semua anaknya ke SJK(C)? Apa lagi kalau pengetua itu tidak menganut amalan 'agama' tradisi Cina? Seorang Cina yang tidak mempunyai kredit Mandarin, atau tidak belajar di SJK(C), tidak mampukah mereka memajukan, mempertahankan dan memartabatkan pendidikan Cina. Adakah hak untuk memajukan pendidikan Cina 100% dimonopoli oleh pejuang-pejuang bahasa Mandarin ini sahaja? Siapakah yang bagi mereka hak ini dan siapakah yang bagi mereka hak untuk menidakkan DNA kaum mereka sendiri yang tidak bersekolah di SJK(C) sehingga digelar kaum sendiri sebagai orang 'pisang' dan prejudis terhadap keupayaan, kesetiaan dan dedikasi untuk memajukan pendidikan Cina!

2. Ramai rakan-rakan yang berpendidikan Cina menghantar semua anak mereka ke SK sedangkan ramai yang tidak berpendidikan Cina pula menghantar semua anak mereka ke SJK(C). Apakah makna ini?

3. Ramai rakan berpendidikan Cina semasa di universiti dahulu meluahkan rasa kesal tidak belajar di SK atau SRK (mungkin ketika itu dalam bahasa Inggeris) kerana merasa kehilangan sesuatu! Sebaliknya yang tidak berpendidikan Cina berharap mereka berpeluang mempelajari bahasa Mandarin semasa di sekolah dahulu!

Kalau nak kiasu pun janganlah sampai macam itu sekali sehingga semuanya salah orang lain! Sendiri semuanya baik! Terlalu prejudis terhadap orang lain malah sesama kaum sendiri yang tidak serupa dengan mereka. Orang Cina Singapura pun dikata mereka kiasu, orang Cina dari Taiwan digelar 'pedagang atau pelabur angin', orang Cina dari tanah besar China digelar 'tak boleh dipercayai' atau 'pengemis', orang Cina di Hong Kong dan Macau mungkin digelar sebagai 'penggosok penjajah Inggeris', orang Cina di USA lagilah besar 'pisang'nya, jadi apakah bezanya dengan sikap kiasu yang ditunjukkan ini? Pokoknya semua ini adalah kerana kikikukiki. (Tanyalah orang Kantonist apakah maksudnya)

18 March 2011

Legal Issue on Contract Law in Malaysia

Like to share the following information on legal issue about contract law in Malaysia which I received by email from a friend, Mr. Simon Ng who received it from his friend who has attended a seminar on legal issues conducted by a lady lawyer expert in the field.

Notice that most of the time, the receipt / invoice you received from the merchant carries this exclusion clause or similarly worded statement: "Goods sold are not returnable" or "No refund once sold".

The thing that I have learnt from her is that : "As long as your good is purchased for home use and not for business (i.e. to be resold), the above exclusion clause is VOID.

That means, as long as the good is defective, regardless of what is worded, you CAN get back all your money spent . You do not have to accept a repair on the good or an exchange. You CAN ask for a refund. AND you are LEGALLY right and entitled to!

And most of the time the merchant will refuse to return you your money.

Her advice? From her own experience (and no less than 7 and all successful!), she will threaten the merchant with four words: "SEE YOU IN COURT!"

The court here refers to the Small Claims Tribunal Court.

However, you don't have to tell them what court! All you have to pay is RM10 admin fee and the loser (the merchant) will have to refund you the money PLUS the admin fee!

She shared this with us because she felt that even educated people are cowed by such unfair wordings (which includes her jaded friends who are not lawyers).

Pls try not to let the merchant fleece you the next time you have a defective good.

Place to file the case. On the 16th floor of Putra Place (The Mall opposite Putra World Trade Centre) . The form cost RM5.00. The Tribunal will settle within 2 months period.

Tribunal Tuntutan Pengguna Malaysia,
Tingkat 16, Putra Place,
100, Jalan Putra,
Tel: 03 - 40492300 / 40424181 Fax: 03 - 40424259

17 March 2011

A Powerful Message

Received this email quite a number of times from different persons, sometimes ago and today received another one from another friend. After reading through, thought it's better to post it here for all to read and to gain something...

This is a powerful message in our modern society. Sometimes we may seem to have lost our bearing & our sense of direction.

One young academically excellent person went to apply for a managerial position in a big company.

He passed the first interview, the director did the last interview, made the last decision.

The director discovered from the CV that the youth's academic achievements were excellent all the way, from the secondary school until the postgraduate research, never had a year when he did not score.

The director asked, "Did you obtain any scholarships in school?" the youth answered "none."

The director asked, " Was it your father who paid for your school fees?"
The youth answered, "My father passed away when I was one year old, it was my mother
who paid for my school fees."

The director asked, " Where did your mother work?"
The youth answered, "My mother worked as clothes cleaner."
The director requested the youth to show his hands.
The youth showed a pair of hands that were smooth and perfect.

The director asked, " Have you ever helped your mother wash the clothes before?"
The youth answered, "Never, my mother always wanted me to study and read more books.
Furthermore, my mother can wash clothes faster than me."

The director said, "I have a request. When you go back today, go and clean your mother's hands, and then see me tomorrow morning."

The youth felt that his chance of landing the job was high.
When he went back, he happily requested his mother to let him clean her hands.
His mother felt strange, happy but with mixed feelings, she showed her hands to the kid.

The youth cleaned his mother's hands slowly. His tear fell as he did that.
It was the first time he noticed that his mother's hands were so wrinkled, and there were so many bruises in her hands.
Some bruises were so painful that his mother shivered when they were cleaned with water.

This was the first time the youth realized that ...
1. it was this pair of hands that washed the clothes everyday to enable him to pay the school fee.
2. The bruises in the mother's hands were the price that the mother had to pay for his graduation, academic excellence and his future.

After finishing the cleaning of his mother hands, the youth quietly washed all the remaining clothes for his mother.

That night, mother and son talked for a very long time.

Next morning, the youth went to the director's office.

The Director noticed the tears in the youth's eyes, asked: " Can you tell me what have you done and learned yesterday in your house?"

The youth answered, " I cleaned my mother's hand, and also finished cleaning all the remaining clothes."

The Director asked, " please tell me your feelings."

The youth said.....
Number 1, I know now what is appreciation. Without my mother, there would not the successful me today.
Number 2, by working together and helping my mother, only I now realize how difficult and tough it is to get something done.
Number 3, I have come to appreciate the importance and value of family relationship.

The director said, " This is what I am looking for to be my Manager".
1. I want to recruit a person who can appreciate the help of others,
2. a person who knows the sufferings of others to get things done,
3. and a person who would not put money as his only goal in life.

The director said, "You are hired."

Later on, this young person worked very hard.....
1. and received the respect of his subordinates.
2. Every employee worked diligently and as a team.
3. The company's performance improved tremendously.

A child, who has been protected and habitually given whatever he wanted, would
1. develop "entitlement mentality" and would always put himself first.
2. he would be ignorant of his parent's efforts.
3. When he starts work, he assumes that every person must listen to him, and when he becomes a manager,
4. he would never know the sufferings of his employees and would always blame others.

For this kind of people, who may be good academically,
1. may be successful for a while, but eventually would not feel sense of achievement.
2. He will grumble and be full of hatred and fight for more.

If we are this kind of protective parents, are we really showing love or are we destroying the kid instead?

You can let your kid ...
1. live in a big house, eat a good meal, learn piano, watch a big screen TV. But when you are cutting grass, please let them experience it. After a meal, let them wash their plates and bowl together with their brothers and sisters.

It is not because you do not have money to hire a maid, but it is because..
1. you want to love them in a right way.
2. you want them to understand, no matter how rich their parents are, one day their hair will grow gray, same as the mother of that young person.

The most important thing is your ...
1. kid learns how to appreciate the effort and
2. experience the difficulty
3. and learns the ability to work with others to get things done.

Watch A Tickle of God's Power 6

Watch A Tickle of God's Power 5

Watch A Tickle of God's Power 4

Watch A Tickle of God's Power 3

16 March 2011

Watch A Tickle of God's Power 2

Watch A Tickle of God's Power 1

15 March 2011

English is Equally Foreign to All of Us

Read the opinion by Tunku Munawirah Putra, the Secretary of PAGE regarding English in our education system published in The Star for mutual mental consumption.

To read, please click here.

12 March 2011

Just A Tickle of God's Power

Observe the earthquake and tsunami at northeastern of Japan - just a tickle of God's power or some free thinkers would say Nature's power!

Therefore be wise and come to your sense for those who hold the little so-called 'power' in their hands and who use to abuse those 'power' to degrade and humiliate fellow human beings for their own selfish and self interest, that the so-called 'power' you hold is negligible when compared to the tickle of His power shown at Japan 110311, even in Aceh 261204.

How would it be if this catastrophe were to happen here!
Would those who think they have the 'power' be still talking, fighting, grabbing all those things about race, rights, supremacy, abusing, land grabbing, insider trading, planting various conspiracies, sodomy etc.

How much do you want to grab and to bring it to your grave with the disguise that it's for the benefit of your own kind. All rubbish!

May God has mercy on all of us. Don't this disaster be fall upon us, but then the so-called 'leaders crazy of power' please repent now before it's too late! And the worst of all are those little napoleons, perhaps just tasted the little juicy power for the first time!

See more photos here.

11 March 2011

Japan Real Time

Watch LIVE from Japan.

10 March 2011

Jui Meng: Non-Muslims Were Wrongly Taught About Islam

Cutting of hands and circumcision - these are the two things specialised when it comes to giving non-Muslims the right understanding about Islam, said Chua Jui Meng, a former Health Minister and a former MCA Vice-President.

Recalling his interactions during his years in MCA, Jui Meng revealed that Islam and a Muslim political organisation was always portray as frightening and extreme.

Chua also said besides not being given the correct understanding about the religion, non-Muslims leaders had only understood Islam from two contexts – cutting of hands (part of the Islamic penal code which is executed after an exhaustive judicial process), and circumcision.

He also said, non-Muslims were not given the right exposure but were told if the Muslim political party were given the mandate to rule, a lot of disastrous things will happen.

Chua however claimed that upon closer interaction with the Muslim party leaders, his perception about Islam changed because he was taught about the truth about the religion. He finds that Islam is a moderate religion but was portrayed as an 'extreme' to scare us.

"I now understand the real meaning of moderation in Islam. In fact, my son had circumcised because he understood its benefit like what is practised by Muslims,” he added.

Chua said Islam placed much emphasis on the welfare of the non-Muslims.

Chua, who is also praised Kelantan Menteri Besar, Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, describing him an example of a moderate leader.

Read more here.

07 March 2011

A Day Made of Glass

Will our future way of life be like this?

06 March 2011

Friends Help Each Other To Lose Weight

Weight-Loss Transformations
By Abigail Cuffey

Losing weight is hard, no matter what diet or program you follow. But there is one thing that can make it easier: doing it with a partner. Brown University researchers found that people who had a diet buddy dropped significantly more weight after a year of effort compared with those who went it alone. If you’re looking to lose, get inspired by these 12 women who paired up to slim down...and then call your friend and get started!

Tia, 42, and Grace, 50

Total pounds lost: 90 (45 and 45)

These attached-at-the-hip friends decided it was time to shift their priorities and get healthy after a big reality check: Tia was told by a work client that she was hardly recognizable from her weight gain and Grace saw unflattering pictures of herself from a beach vacation. “We do everything together: work, go to church, socialize and eat out at restaurants,” says Tia. “So it made sense that we would lose weight together when we both decided we were ready for a change.”

Method: They started tracking their food intake, which helped them understand portion size and realize how much they were actually eating. The two also connected with other health-minded people on SparkPeople.com. Tia took up running (short distances at first) and Grace joined a local gym, working with a personal trainer to learn how to exercise and use the machines.

Buddy Bonus: Victory is much sweeter. “Goal-setting is more fun, even if they’re not the same goals,” says Tia. “We cheer each other on, no matter what the result is.” Tia is currently training for her second marathon (and hopes to qualify for the Boston Marathon); Grace is prepping for her first half-marathon.

Mindy, 27, and Nicole, 41

Total pounds lost: 105 (75 and 30)
Not only are these two friends, they’re also sisters, and getting healthy was a way for them to bridge their 14-year age difference. “Doing this together has changed our relationship and given us a common bond,” says Mindy. “Now when I visit her, we'll make an effort to get to the gym or take a walk around the neighborhood.”

Method: They started Weight Watchers together, which helped them lose the majority of the weight by learning to control portions and structure their eating habits. Exercise came later, with Mindy taking up running and Zumba classes. Meanwhile, Nicole walked the 2-mile loop around her subdivision to lose most of her weight and then joined the local YMCA to add in elliptical training.

Buddy Bonus: It’s a lot harder to quit. “The weight doesn't add up overnight, so it's certainly not going to come off overnight,” says Mindy, who now blogs at JustAOneGirlRevolution.com. “When you plateau or even start gaining, it’s extremely helpful to have someone to say that it's OK, don't give up.”

Madge, 50, and Karen, 44

Total pounds lost: 245 (185 and 60)
After being acquaintances for 10 years, the two started chatting at a mutual friend’s New Year’s Eve party and realized that they both wanted to shed pounds. They became fast friends and weight-loss buddies. “We developed a close friendship based on our common interest in losing weight,” says Madge. “We now keep in touch almost daily, through phone, text and IM, and in person.”

Method: Madge lost the first 100 pounds through a local doctor-supervised weight management program before connecting with Karen at the party. After the pair teamed up, they decided to join a TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) group because it offered the benefit of support and weekly weigh-ins but the freedom to choose their own diet. They both exercised: Karen hit the gym a few times per week and Madge started walking daily (at first just around her block), then joined Planet Fitness to add strength-training weekly.

Buddy Bonus: Free therapy! “Karen and I have discussed emotional things such as fear of social eating events, not being able to keep certain foods in the house and what we used to do to hide our binges,” says Madge. “It’s much easier to open up and chat with someone who has also been in my position.” .

Michele, 46, and Marie, 43

Total pounds lost: 83 (27 and 56)
Commercials for Jenny Craig featuring Valerie Bertinelli spurred Marie to make changes in her own life. “As cheesy as it sounds, seeing Valerie’s results on TV made me determined to make the program work for myself,” she says. Her initial success inspired her longtime best friend, Michele, to also sign up, and together they slimmed down for good.

Method: Both used the Jenny Craig At-Home Program. “The best thing about this program is that there is no guesswork,” says Marie. “The foods are preplanned and prepared so that I couldn’t veer off course while juggling a full-time job, part-time school and raising a family.” Marie joined a local gym, started attending Zumba classes and took long walks with her dog, Buddy. Michele also walked daily with her 7-year-old daughter, joined a karate studio and took up kick-boxing classes.

Buddy Bonus: Bikini-wearing is more fun. “Last summer was the first time in about 10 years that Michele and I wore bikinis at the local pool,” says Marie. “We weren’t afraid to strut our stuff because we worked so hard to get where we are.” .

Vicki, 40, and Beth, 47

Total pounds lost: 125 (70 and 55)
Virtual friendship via the Nutrisystem discussion boards brought these two moms together. Vicki and Beth crossed paths online at the beginning of the program and have been connected ever since. “She’s my best friend and I feel like I’ve known her forever, even though we’ve only met in person once!” says Vicki.

Method: Nutrisystem, which fit into both of their busy schedules. “I’m a stay-at-home mom with two special-needs children and a husband who travels frequently for work,” says Vicki. “I needed something easy and convenient for my unpredictable home life.” Besides switching to the prepared food, each woman got moving. They did Jillian Michaels’s 30 Day Shred at the same time on the same days, even though they lived miles apart. Vicki also followed the Couch-to-5K Running Plan to help her train for her first race. Beth opted for DVDs, including Jillian Michaels’s No More Trouble Zones and Jackie Warner’s Xtreme Timesaver Training.

Buddy Bonus: Around-the-clock support. “I was on this journey with someone who knew what it was like to be unhealthy,” says Beth. “I could call or text Vicki while grocery shopping when I was tempted to buy unhealthy foods or when I wanted to quit.”.

Jennifer, 27, and Jessica, 26

Total pounds lost: 81 (22 and 59)
Friends since middle school band class, these two tended to use food as a focus for their time together. As they reached their 20s, they knew it was time to take control. “The weight loss was a life-changing experience for us as individuals, as well as together,” says Jessica. Now they’re preparing for Jennifer’s wedding in late 2011, where Jessica will serve as her maid of honor.

Method: Jessica joined Weight Watchers first and began losing some weight. Jennifer was so inspired that she joined soon after. “Weight Watchers worked because it taught us how to eat, not just what to eat,” says Jessica. “Many people know they should eat fruits and vegetables. However, they aren't thinking about portion control or special ordering when dining out.” They both walked daily as a main source of exercise and completed a 5K Weight Watchers Walk-It Challenge last year with other members. Jessica recently started jogging as well and is preparing for her first 15K.

Buddy Bonus: Confidence. “It can be a little scary starting a weight-loss program on your own and it’s easy to feel self-conscious,” says Jennifer. “Having someone else along for the ride gave me a boost that enabled me to push through my insecurities.”

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So Lincoln Was A Racist After All?

New book sheds new light on Lincoln's racial views

McLEAN, Va. – Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address has inspired Americans for generations, but consider his jarring remarks in 1862 to a White House audience of free blacks, urging them to leave the U.S. and settle in Central America. "For the sake of your race, you should sacrifice something of your present comfort for the purpose of being as grand in that respect as the white people," Lincoln said, promoting his idea of colonization: resettling blacks in foreign countries on the belief that whites and blacks could not coexist in the same nation. Lincoln went on to say that free blacks who envisioned a permanent life in the United States were being "selfish" and he promoted Central America as an ideal location "especially because of the similarity of climate with your native land — thus being suited to your physical condition."

Read more here.

Kah Kah Kah ......

Received this hilarious email from my good friend Mr. Ali Ahmad Seman

See what happened when men bake cookies!

05 March 2011

Penang, Oh! Penang

A Place I'm So Fondly.....

So long haven't been there, more than 5 years I guess;
Since the very early morning of the 9th. day of one CNY;
Where I was so taken by the grandiose of the people at
the famous jetties celebrating their Bai Ti Gong;
Heard so much nice things have happened there since that faithful 308;
That changed the way it used to be;
Don't know when will have the opportunity to pay a visit;
To see with my own eyes the real changes that have taken place;
That put the old regime in envy and sulking;
Even the combative Lim KY has once said:
Woi.. brader Gerakan! You have lost Penang forever!
And Niamah, the eloquent brother Teoh has posted here
some nice stories you should enter to read.

04 March 2011

A Cancer Killer in Your Kitchen

Received this email from Mr. Lim Chin Hong, Taiping for mutual mental consumption.

Ginger Tea - A Cancer Killer in Your Kitchen
By John Susan Saradon.

The powerful healing effects of ginger have been well documented. It's a proven remedy fo r upset stomach. Reams of studies show that it inhibitsinflamation. And there is substantial evidence that it fights cancer, too.
For instannce, a recent University of Michigan study showed that when ginger was added to ovarian cancer cells in the laboratory, it caused the cancer cells to self-destruct (a process known as "apoptosis"). In a separate study at the University of Minnesota , researchers injected colon cancer cells into mice that were bred to have no immune system.

Half of these mice were routinely fed gingerol, the main active component in ginger. The researchers found that the mice that were fed gingerol lived longer, their tumors were smaller, and the cancer did not spread as widely as in the control group.

With all these health benefits, you should be using ginger as often as you can. The best way I've found to get a healthy serving of ginger is to juice it. (The brand of juicer I use is an Omega.) Two or three days a week, I juice an apple or two, some carrots, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, and a big piece of ginger root. The ginger gives the drink a great flavor and a powerful anti-cancer kick.

01 March 2011

Cancer Falls In Love With Inactive Guys/Gals!

Beware those lazy bums who never do exercise (physically and mentally), cancer will come to seduce you to be his/her beau. And get to look old faster too! Study reveals!

Moderate exercise, eating a fruit and vegetable-based diet not only lowers risk of cancer but slows down the aging process, says research.

Find out more here.

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